What is a blockchain?
A blockchain organizes its data into blocks that are strung together. This creates an irreversible timeline of data when implemented in a decentralized nature. When a block is filled it is set in stone and becomes a part of this timeline. Each block in the chain is given an exact timestamp when it is added to the chain. For crypto, this chain becomes a ledger keeping track of crypto buys and sells.

How Do I Use Phoenix Blockchain?
All you need is a wallet that allows you to connect to a custom blockchain. MetaMask is one solution. Here’s the relevant information: Inside MetaMask, click on “Settings”, then click on “Networks”, then “Add Networks” and enter the following (or click the button if you have the MetaMask extension installed on your browser):
Network Name: Phoenix
RPC Url: https://rpc.phoenixplorer.com
Chain ID: 13381
Symbol: PHX
Block Explorer: https://phoenixplorer.com

Phoenix Blockchain
Launched in November 2021, Phoenix Blockchain was created to meet a need of an all inclusive blockchain. Cheap gas (1 gwei) combined with the ability to mint NFTs, Phoenix is aiming to be a one stop shop for all crypto and NFT enthusiasts and investors.
Governance Phoenix
Stay tuned for more info about this exciting new token!
Launched in December 2021, Phoenixplorer is our blockchain explorer. Keeping track of all of our Phoenix coins being mined as well as all transactions and blocks.

Fireswap Exchange
In development. Fireswap is our brand new DEX. More information will be coming soon regarding this.

In development. Firesea is our brand new NFT marketplace. More information will be coming soon regarding this.

In development. Fireswag is our brand new Phoenix merchandise online store. More information will be coming soon regarding this.

Price Duck
Price Duck is our FREE Telegram bot that will fetch any coin or token’s price listed on CoinGecko. Based on CoinGecko’s API, Price Bot is a great FREE alternative to all the many other ad-based price bots on the market today.

Duck Hunt
Currently in beta, Duck Hunt is our first NFT play to win game inside of the Telegram App. Users attempt to shoot ducks to earn $Phoenix and rare duck NFTs.

NFT Viewer
Released December 2021, our NFT explorer connects to your wallet allowing you to view your NFTs on the Phoenix blockchain.
Phoenix Blockchain is live! We are now currently mining $PHX, the currency used for gas fees on the Phoenix blockchain as well as the currency that will be used as rewards in our exclusive NFT games based in the Telegram app. We are also developing a brand new NFT markeplace where you can mint, buy, and sell NFTs on our blockchain. Be sure to check back regularly for more updates on future developments!
Copyright Phoenix Blockchain | 2021